Family constellations workshops
Family Constellations is a profound therapeutic approach that explores the hidden forces within families that shape our lives.
Through a series of experiential exercises and guided processes, participants gain insights into family dynamics, ancestral patterns, and unresolved issues that may be holding them back through unknowingly influencing our thoughts, behaviours and emotional experiences through multiple generations.In this work deep epigenetic traumas can be shifted in profound ways!
Systems Constellations uses this same process of tapping into the field of inter-relatedness to find greater flow in projects, businesses, and even corporate planning.
Originally focused on family systems, this work had become a powerful tool in navigating the wider world of creativity, business relationships, and planning!
Collective Constellations is a way of applying the same tools towards the wider systems of the greater human family.
Constellations work allows us to tune into the greater waves of energy on the planet that are impacting us all- COVID, social justice, relations with the earth, race relations, healing of the feminine, healing of the masculine. The constellations space allows us to support this global transformation. It's epic and amazing!
In these workshops you'll have the opportunity to:
Uncover hidden family dynamics and their impact on your life return.
Gain clarity and resolution around challenging family relationships.
Heal intergenerational, wounds, and break free from unconscious patterns.
Cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and your family system.
Gain insight into any health challenges, you may be facing.
Experience, profound shifts in your personal and professional life
What it looks like:
In constellations work we gather in circle (or a virtual energetic circle), and set an intention together. This intention will relate a personal theme from someone in the group or to collective healing ie. relationship to land, social justice, healing of the feminine, dismantling of old paradigm, creating the new earth, decolonization. We then we tap into the knowing field by turning our attention to the physical sensations in our bodies. As we invite different energies to be represented by individuals in the circle, we will explore how these somatic energies are in direct relationship to the intention.
This is an intuitive but surprisingly tangible process!
For example, someone may represent mother, another the father, another the future, and another for the inner child.
Each person then tunes into the energy they are embodying and we hold space for whatever needs to be spoken, felt, expressed, moved, witnessed and held. We will also invite in whatever resources or healing movements can support the system to come into greater harmony and for greater love to flow.
This is a powerful- in the moment-alive process that honours all parts as well as the soul of the whole.
Participants do not have to represent, they can also choose to sit in the circle to hold the space which itself can be transformative.
History of Family Constellations:
Family Constellations work was developed and popularized by German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, after he spent many years as a missionary observing the African Zulu tribe as they used these healing rituals within their communities.
Hellinger brought this back to his war torn German country and had great success in restoring balance and harmony where silence and deep pain had become epidemic following WWII. As a path to truth, reconciliation and healing, this work has proven just how powerful it can be.
There are other roots to this work also. indigenous tribes in north America were also practicing similar ritual with what they called "The Knowing Field". With deep understanding of the inter connection of "all our relations" they were able to restore imbalances in broken relationships and broken spirits using practices such as this.
Accessing The Timeless Map Within,
Linking The Past to The Present and
The Present to The Future
Kalso BC - Josanna's Yoga Studio
Date: Sept 28th 2024, 10-5:30pm
Cost: $111 participant
Email to Register:

Accessing The Timeless Map Within,
Linking The Past to The Present and
The Present to The Future
Location: Tidal Elements Healing Arts Studios, Downtown Vernon BC
Date: March 21 2024, 6-9pm
Cost: $35 participant
$65 seeker (2 seeker positions available)
Please email in advance if requesting seeker role

Accessing The Timeless Map Within,
Linking The Past to The Present and
The Present to The Future
Location: The Sentinel Retreat Center Maloca
Date: March 31 2024, 10am-5pm
Cost: $188. **Gourmet Lunch included!
Full day Relational Constellations workshop at The Sentinel.

A day-long immersive workshop open to all. This time at the Beautiful Sentinel Retreat center where we will be able to take advantage of the beautiful facilities, prepared lunch, and deep lake medicine!
Location: The Sentinel Retreat Center Maloca
Date: Saturday April 2023, 9:30-6pm
Cost: $188. **Includes prepared Lunch onsite!
Email to register:
Constellations Group 3hr Session
(for Experienced Participants)

A 3 hour gathering to dive right into constellations process. Intended to be an ongoing and regular offering for our community to lean into this hugely supportive practice.
Where: Josanna's Yoga studio
Date: Sunday April 23rd 10am-1pm
Cost: $44
Email to register:
Past workshops:

Online Collective Constellations Process.
July 28th-29th, 6pm-9m
Cost is $180 CAD
Scholarships available by request
Email to register: